Thursday, November 7, 2019

Test Review Essay

Test Review Essay Test Review Essay 12/10/14 Revew for History Test Section 1: Acts Sugar Act- Stamp Act- They create the Stamp Act Congress after this act, this congress successfully repeals the stamp act Tea Act lead to the Boston Tea Party Townshend Act Intolerable Act/Coercive Act- closes Boston Harbor Quartering Act- lead to the Boston Massacre Know about the Boston Massacre First Continental Congress established: Minutemen Declaration of Rights NO more taxes No more soldiers Trade can be regulated Lexington Secret alarm system Paul Revere, Jeremy, Dawes Revere gets captured We loss this battle Concord They were more organized and ready. They won Section 2 2nd Continental Congress They set up a military And official currency Peace or necessity of taking up arms Battle of Bunker Hill- Loss The British siege Boston Washington pushes loyalists out to Canada. Declaration of Independence Inspiration: John Locke: natural rights (life, liberty, and property) and the government needs to protect those rights. Thomas’s Paine â€Å"Common Sense† Mayflower Compact Bill of Rights Magna Carta Declaration of Independence: Preamble Grievances or complaints Taxes without representation Troops ( Martial Law) Quartering They called a king a tyrant Unfair trials because they were trialed in Britain Section 3 Women helped: Boycotts Helping out/supplies Nurse Messengers Dressed as soldiers African Americans fought for the British because Lord Dumore’s Proclamation promised they would have their freedom

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